Thursday, January 15, 2009

Aim: What is Nutrition- Fat?

All That Fat
Fat is the body's major form of energy storage, and our bodies can make fat. Many fats that people eat are really a combination of two different types of substances: saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids come from animal foods like meat, milk, cheese, and some oils that come from plants. Unsaturated fatty acids are different - they come from plants and fish. Together, these two substances are grouped and called the fat content in food.

Fat sometimes sounds like it's always a bad thing that people should not eat, but actually our bodies need some fat to work correctly. Fat insulates our bodies from the cold and provides some cushioning for our organs. Fat gives our bodies energy. Some fats help to make up important hormones that we need to keep our bodies at the right temperature or keep our blood pressure at the right level. Fat helps you have healthy skin and hair. And fat is like your body's very own storage and moving service: it helps vitamins A, D, E, and K hang out and get transported through your bloodstream when your body needs them!
How Do We Get Fat?
Even though our bodies need some fat to work properly, they don't need as much as most people eat. It's a good idea to avoid eating a lot of fat, because it can contribute to obesity (when a person weighs much too much for his or her height) and other illnesses that can occur when you're older, like heart disease or adult-onset diabetes.
But foods with lots of fat in them taste good - like cookies, chocolate, and fast-food hamburgers and french fries! It's OK to eat cake and ice cream at someone's birthday party once in a while. But the real trick is not to eat these kinds of foods all the time, or even most of the time. Instead, you should eat them in moderation - that means eating only a little bit at a time and not very often. Staying healthy and keeping your body in shape is easier when you go for foods and snacks that are lower in fat - and you'll feel better, too!
Group questions to answer.
How do we get fat?

What are two types of fat?

What good does fat do for you?

What harm does fat do for you?

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