Monday, September 29, 2008

HW #11

Please describe yourself at all three stages of stress.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Aim: How can we cope with stress in our everyday lives?

Do Now: complete the How can I cope? Worksheet

Notes: Positive and negative ways to cope with stress
Positive: make a list and plan ahead, be by myself and think, talk with a friend, ask for help, stay organized, talk about how I feel, keep a schedule, listen to music, exercise, etc.
Negative: swear, yell, fight, break things, avoid the situation, internalize it, use drugs including alcohol, self-harm, suicide, overeating or over exercising, acting out violently.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Aim: How does stress affect our lives? (continued)

Notes: Homeostasis: balance.
When stress occurs, our body and mind are thrown out of homeostasis, and our body works to restore it. This is called the stress response, or general adaptation syndrome.

Notes- Stage 1: Alarm Stage: Fight or Flight- body’s immediate response to stress: heart and breathing rate increase, sweating, adrenaline rush, lump in throat (esophagus widens), pale skin, butterflies in stomach (decrease in blood flow to digestive system and surface of skin to increase blood flow to muscles). Headaches (increase in blood flow to brain so person may be more alert, pupils dilate).

Stage 2: Resistance Stage: Body attempts to return to normal (homeostasis- internal balance). Body function returns to normal.

Stage 3: Exhaustion Stage: Delayed stress prevents a return to homeostasis, body continues to function at elevated state, lowered resistance leads to illness, or in severe cases, organ failure and possible death

The third stage of the stress response is when the body becomes so taxed from consistent stress the body becomes physically ill. A person may also become emotionally tired, and may make rash or impulsive decisions that may result in further stress.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Aim: How does stress affect our lives?

Do now: Respond to the following scenarios:
You just arrived home from school to discover that your family is moving to Australia. What is your reaction? How do you feel? What do you say or do?
You study hard for a test and you end up failing. What is your reaction? How do you feel? What do you say or do?
You come home from school. Your parents tell you they are getting a divorce. What is your reaction? How do you feel? What do you say or do?

Stressor: anything that brings about change, or causes stress in our lives that we have to adjust to.
Eustress: positive stress (can motivate us to achieve)
Distress: negative stress (can wear us out emotionally and physically)

Hw #10

In a paragraph please describe your most stressful day.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Monday, September 22, 2008


Study your notes.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

HW #9

Please explain what you do in a relationship that makes you feel good about yourself?
Is it different in different kinds of relationships?
How is it different?

Aim: How can healthy relationships help improve emotional health?

Do Now: List the characteristics of a healthy relationship.

Notes: Characteristics of healthy relationships include: Honesty, trust, care and concern, sharing experiences, being accepting of one another, getting and providing support, being a good listener (these are all ways we show RESPECT for one another), communication Friends, family, and school and work relationships form a basis for a good emotional health. You feel good about yourself when you have good relationships with others. Getting and supporting others is important to good emotional health.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

HW #8

Think of a recent conflict you have had with a friend or family member. Write a dialogue of how this argument went. List the body language of the arguement and what kind of message it sent.
How do you think the outcome could have been any different?

How can an individual effectively communicate their feelings?

Do now: Describe some emotions you have experienced today and explain the source of these feelings.

Notes: I messages are a way to appropriately communicate how you feel
Using the word “I” allows you to take responsibility for your emotions
I messages don’t blame or attack the other person

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Aim: How can you tell if someone is suicidal?

Do now: Using worksheet Emotion Words- choose 8 words that would describe a person who is in trouble emotionally and might need some help.

Notes: Signs and Symptoms of Troublesome feelings
Acting very emotional or crying a lot, loss of appetite or weight loss, being more moody or depressed than usual, always feeling tired or run down, loss of interest in daily activities, using alcohol or drugs to deal with feelings, unusual anger or violent behavior, withdrawing from friends and wanting to be left alone, talking about suicide.

You are going to have an opportunity to identify strategies for helping yourself or others who might be experiencing these signs and symptoms.

Dealing with troublesome feelings-
Don’t ignore the signs and symptoms, listen and be supportive, let your friend know you will help, if your friend is using alcohol or other drugs encourage them to stop, encourage your friend to talk to a trusted adult, help your friend get to school or community resources such as counselors, don’t keep it a secret from others who can help.

The best way to help is to NOT keep a friend’s problem a secret.

HW #7

My Support Network
Put yourself in the middle circle. Then create a spider diagram of all the people in your life that you might be able to turn to for help or advice, or just to talk to if you had a problem or were feeling ‘down’.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Aim: How can an individual express emotions in a positive way?

Do Now: Create a list of emotions you have felt today

Notes: Emotion: a feeling- a reaction to a situation that involves a person’s mind, body and behavior.

The most common emotions are:
Love- includes romance, love between family members, friends, etc. Deep feelings of affection and concern
Happiness- strong, positive emotion
Sadness- sorrow or unhappiness

Verbal and Non-verbal communication
Verbal- communicating through words (talking, yelling- tone of voice and loudness of voice)
Non-verbal- body language, writing (relaxed vs. clenched/tension)

HW # 6

In about a paragraph describe the happiest day of your life.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Aim: How do both genetics and environment influence our personality?

Do now: Define “personality”- what are some things that make you unique?

Notes- Personality: the unique combination of traits that makes you an individual. These include behaviors, attitudes, feelings and ways of thinking that are characteristic of you.

Describing personality:
Extrovert: someone who is friendly and outgoing
Introvert: someone who is less outgoing and whose thoughts are directed inward
Optimist: someone who focuses on the positive side of things
Pessimist: someone who looks at the negatives and expects the worst
Assertive: someone who is able to stand up for themselves and express their feelings in a non-threatening way
Passive: someone who holds back their feelings and gives in to others
Aggressive: Someone who communicates ideas and feeling in a forceful or threatening way
Forming personality: Nature vs. nurture debate
Heredity: It is thought that some personality traits are inborn, or inherited. Traits such as shyness, aggressiveness, risk taking behavior, as well as talents such as intelligence, musical or artistic abilities can be passed down and inherited. Scientists are discovering that more things are genetic, such as addiction and mental disorders.

Environment: Includes the influence of family, friends, life situations and environment on personality development. This includes experiences early in childhood, who a child grows up around (modeling), family and cultural values, how children are punished, friends and community, peer groups, media.

Establishing and maintaining good mental and emotional health is a lifelong, never-ending process.

HW #5

Please answer the following Questions using Maslows Hierarchy
1. Why do people go to college?
2. What needs are met by this behavior?
3. Do you agree or disagree with Maslow in your own case?

Monday, September 8, 2008

HW #4

In a sentence for each please identify 3 of your strengths and 3 of you weaknesses concerning mental health.

Aim: How can one achieve emotional and mental health?

Do now: How can you tell if someone is mentally healthy? How would poor mental health affect your physical or social health?

Notes:Mental health: Feeling good about yourself, feeling good about your relationships with others, being able to cope with life’s changesIt is the state of being comfortable with yourself, others and surroundings. People who are mentally healthy are realistic about strengths and weaknesses, able to take on the responsibilities of daily living, caring towards themselves and others, able to handle disappointments and learn from them, able to feel enjoyment and a sense of achievement

Self: lack of confidence in their ability or skills, lack of sleep, poor nutrition or lack of physical activity, uncertainty about the future, too few challenges or opportunities for success

Relationships: lack of communication skills, being insecure, not getting along with parents, alcohol or other drug use, having friends with poor emotional health

Change: too many changes, not knowing how to deal with stress, death or loss, lack of support to deal with change.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Worksheet What about my Health? Page 1

HW #3

Homework Choose a Dimension of Health you would like to change.
Write an Essay/Outline that includes:
What is you current status of health in this dimension?
Why would you want to make this change?
How would you make this change?
How would improving this dimension of health improve other dimensions of Health?
What are some challenges you face in this dimension of Health?
Outline for an One-Paragraph Essay
Thesis statement: _______________________________________________________
First Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): ____________________________________
Second Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): __________________________________
Third Supporting Idea (Topic Sentence): ___________________________________
Restate topic: ______________________________________________________________________

Notes on How can we determine the well being of a person?

Health: The well being of your body, mind and your relationships with other people (Quality of life- the degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life)
Physical Health: refers to how well your body functions. Physically healthy people are able to carry out the everyday tasks without becoming overly tired. There is enough energy for school, enjoying spare time, taking care of responsibilities. It includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep and proper medical and dental care as well as staying away from harmful substances.
Mental Health: refers to how good you feel about yourself and how well you cope with the day-to-day demands of your life. When you are mentally healthy, you like yourself and who you are. You recognize your achievements and learn from mistakes. It also includes taking time to relax, sharing your feelings with others, trying new experiences.
Social Health: refers to how well you get along with others. Loving relationships, respect for the rights of others, giving and accepting help are all aspects of good social health. Building healthy relationships with family members, making and keeping friends and communicating your needs to others are all important aspects of social health.
Wellness: The broader view of health as a combination of physical, mental and social well-being. All three aspects of health are of equal importance to their over-all well being.
Skills of Health: Skills that can be practiced and used to improve health and well-being. Skills include stress management, self-management, refusal skills, advocacy, decision-making, communication, goal setting, and relationship management.
Illness-wellness continuum: a model that represents the full range of health between the extremes of wellness and illness. Each person’s health status is marked by some point on the continuum.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

HW #2

Please write a paragraph explaining how respect will help you achieve your goals in life.

Notes on Roles and Respect

My role at school is to help myself, and others by:
1. Learning well
2. Staying safe
3. Participating fully
4. Graduating in 20__ ___

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

HW #1

Get contract signed.