Do now: On a note card, write down a question you have about sex or sexuality.
Class notes:
Everyone has a right to pass. Each person, including the teacher or any guest speaker, has the right to pass on an activity, or choose not to answer a question. Alternate activities will be assigned.
Every question is a good question. Questions show a desire to learn new things, clarify information, or confirm what you already know.
No teasing, put-downs or talking about others. All thoughts, feelings, ideas and opinions are respected. Class members do not tease, put down or talk about others inside or outside the classroom.
Classroom discussions are confidential. Personal information will not be shared outside of the classroom by the teacher or other students. This helps everyone feel safe and supported here. However, students should understand that the teacher is required, by law and school policy, to report certain kinds of information, such as abuse, suicidal feelings, or other dangerous behaviors.
Treat role plays seriously. Use them to learn the skills. Remember that the role plays are fictional. People may say things in a role play they would not otherwise say. Nothing in a role play should be considered to indicate an interest in having a relationship or sex.
No personal questions. People can voluntarily share information about themselves, but no one should be put on the spot with specific questions about personal beliefs or practices, including the teacher or any outside speaker.
Use standard terms. Slang terms or street language are not acceptable in the class, unless someone doesn’t know the standard terminology. When slang is used, the standards term will be given and used in subsequent discussions.
Be accurate with parents. When you discuss the class with parents, be accurate about what the class is about. Give specific examples, and don’t sensationalize.
Each person speaks for himself or herself. This class is not a forum for discussing other people’s beliefs or behaviors. Comments should be limited to what is though or felt by individuals in this class.